Iran: 141 Violations of the Minorities Rights in One Month
Published by Ali on July 3, 2020
International Liberty Association: In the past month, there have been at least 141 violations of the rights of religious minorities in Iran. A considerable number of violations have been against women. At least 121 violations of the rights of Baha’i citizens were documented, in addition to 15 cases of violations of Christian rights and 5 cases of violations against Dervishes.
Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
In Iran, however, religious minorities are subjected to targeted violence because their free choice of belief is tantamount to challenging the ruling religious dictatorship.
Baha’i citizens
According to statistics obtained from credible sources, a total of 121 violations of fundamental rights have been committed against Baha’i citizens. These include at least 5 prison sentences, 9 arrests, 34 trials, 26 court summons, 10 house searches, 8 property and asset seizures, and 6 cases of return to prison for non-renewal of leave.
Christian citizens
Citizens of the Christian faith have also been subjected to repression, despite the fact that Articles 13 and 26 the Islamic Republic’s Constitution recognizes Christianity. These citizens have been targeted in at least 15 instances in recent months. These instances include 5 court summons, 5 arrests, and 5 cases of imprisonment.
On Sunday, 21 June the Revolutionary Court of Bushehr sentenced seven Christian converts, including three women – Maryam Fallahi, Marjan Fallahi, and Fatemeh Talebi – to imprisonment, fines, deportation, and deprivation of employment and social rights.
Gonabadi Dervishes have also been targeted by state agents in at least five cases in the past month. The suppressive measures include two court summons to serve prison sentences, two cases of imprisonment, and one case of imprisonment in exile.