Let's stop executions in Iran

Together we've saved thousands of lives over the last 5 years

Picture of Navid Afkari, the Iranian wrestling champion executed by the Iranian regime held by a woman protester

Iran’s judicial system remains among the most brutal in the world. The Iranian regime executes more people per capita than any other country. It carries out more total executions than any nation but China, whose population is over 17 times that of Iran’s. Tehran continues to target political dissidents and ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities for execution. Capital punishment can be—and often is—carried out against juvenile offenders. The cruelty and inhumanity of Iran’s judicial system goes well beyond executions, however.
Individuals may be arrested and indefinitely detained without charge or on trumped-up offenses;
subject to degrading treatment, including

torture, in order to extract confessions; denied rights such as access to legal counsel and fair and speedy trial; and sentenced to other barbaric penalties such as amputation, blinding, and flogging. Those accused and/or convicted of perpetrating crimes are incarcerated in overcrowded prisons where they may be subject to torture, rape, and other atrocities. Iran’s densely populated and dirty penitentiaries are also breeding grounds for COVID-19 and other illnesses, and prisoners are often denied necessary medical care (including COVID-19 tests), personal protective equipment, and disinfectant.

Methods of Execution

Iran executes the majority of convicts by hanging within prisons. The regime, however, also regularly carries out executions in public, including at least 13 in 2019. In many of these cases, the victim is publicly hanged from a construction crane, an especially slow and painful execution method.
Stoning also continues to be a state-sanctioned form of execution. Other legal methods of execution include firing squad, beheading, and being thrown from a height.

Behrouz Ehsani, Mehdi Hassani, and Mohammad Javad Vafayi-Sani Sentenced to Death in Iran

Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court has sentenced Behrouz Ehsani and Mehdi Hassani, to death. Both political prisoners are currently being held in Evin Prison, Tehran.

Behrouz Ehsani was arrested at his home in Tehran in October 2022, while Mehdi Hassani was arrested in Zanjan.

Another political prisoner recently sentenced to death is Mohammad Javad Vafayi-Sani, who has now received a death sentence for the third time. Mohammad Javad, a 28-year-old protester, was arrested in February 2020 in connection with the nationwide protests of November 2019. He was a boxer.

Campaigns against execution has produced great results

Demonstration in Trafalgar Square in London

Demonstrations, gatherings, publicity, disseminating information, supporting satellite broadcast, providing witness testimonies, countless meetings with prominent dignitaries as well as setting up exhibitions and many more activities has led to condemnations against the regime’s disgraceful behaviour in Iran.

First-hand information obtained through sources inside Iran has enabled us to reveal behind the scenes news about the atrocities in prisons.

Through campaigns, the British Committee for Iran Freedom (BCFIF) has stepped up its efforts to hold the regime accountable. It recently asserted that “any relations or push for negotiations with Iran must be contingent upon verifiable improvements of the human rights situation in the country,” the BCFIF also underlined that, “Failure by the UN and its member states to do so and ratify current situation risks to subvert the rules-based international system and undermine international human rights laws and UN conventions.” 

A great achievement for all of us

After years of tireless campaigning by many, a great success was achieved when Atena Daemi, a human rights and children’s rights defender returned home on Jan 24th 2022 after 5 years of imprisonment.

What we do

  • Organizing meetings, demonstrations, events and grand gatherings to echo the voice of the prisoners of conscience.
  • Gathering information on prisoners of conscience, their suffering in prisons as well as details about their condition.
  • Exposing the regime’s crimes and atrocities through publications, satellite broadcast and social media.
  • Letter writing campaigns.
  • Petition campaigns

Together, let's make sure political prisoners are released and can go back home to their families who are waiting for them