Evin Prisoners Statement: Tsunami of Corona virus in Iran Prisons

Evin Prisoners Statement: Tsunami of Corona virus in Iran Prisons

Published by on December 7, 2020
Iran: Evin Prison

International Liberty Association: According to the news received from Iran, a group of political prisoners of Ward 8 at the Evin Prison published a statement expressing their concerns about a potential death tsunami at prisons through the re-spread of corona virus in Iran and the prisons.

The following is the full text of the statement:

“As we predicted, the coronavirus reached a new peak in fall dragging into death more people on daily basis; the reason: the authorities hid it and took no action at its onset.

According to this inattentiveness towards the health and life of the people, as official data puts it (and we now that it is reduced) each three minute one person is dying of the coronavirus and his or her family mourns.

Maybe in the coming weeks this would be reach one death in every minute.

Prisons and prisoners are a part of this society too and they are even in more danger. Having a look at prisons’ conditions and how the inmates live in them, it is clear how lethal coronavirus would be in these places.

A limited space embedding a great number of inmates, without any preventive sanitary gears or being able to keep social distancing. The inmates have no possibility to take care of themselves, they are under various physiological pressures including being worried about their beloveds outside the prison. Under these conditions a more serious spread of the virus at prisons with bring about death tsunami.

But the truth is greater and more painful to be hidden.

What we mentioned about the inmates’ situation amid coronavirus pandemic is a warning for the authorities! From now on, each prisoner contracting coronavirus is equal to his/ her torture and harassment and each prisoner dying of the virus is equal to premediated murder.

We, the political prisoners signing this statement call for unconditional release (repenting or giving obligations) of the prisoners or at least granting them furloughs to prevent a catastrophe of coronavirus deaths. Until we reach this goal, we will continue protesting.

Evin Prison- Ward 8- December 2020

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